Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Miles' friend Alden suspected an April Fools joke when he got Miles' text April 1.
But it is true: that day an x-ray of his right knee revealed an unexpected bone tumor.
Thanks to the caring and dedication of Dr. Webb and the team at Boston Children's Hospital, the workup quickly ensued.  Here's the data synopsis:
MRI: malignant appearing tumor in upper shin
CT Chest: no sign of spread to lungs
Bone Scan: no sign of spread to other bones
Labs: just fine so far
Biopsy: confirms Osteosarcoma
This is bone cancer--not common--and it tends to spread.
Minor victories, which we will cheer: lungs and other bones look clear, which means no detectable dissemination.  This improves the prognosis, and as his oncology team said Monday:
"We are going to treat for cure."
Treatment plan: ten weeks of chemotherapy, followed by surgery to remove all tumor at the site, followed by four-to-five months of more chemotherapy.
We have confidence in his medical team.  The coordination and positivity of the Children's Hospital staff has been exemplary.
Miles has been amazingly and inspiringly positive.  He is expected to be hospitalized for three-to-four days for the first infusion.  He will visit with his team at least weekly and undergo additional infusions until his surgery in June.
Miles has mild pain intermittently, which is well managed.  He is fully involved with the planning, asks excellent questions, and shows valuable self-empowerment.
He was able to attend school Tuesday this week, and will continue to participate academically as much as possible, both in-person and remotely.
Baseball and Football seasons will be different experiences this year, and Miles is working to stay involved in alternative ways.
We love him so much, and are so proud of his healthy willingness to challenge this threat and make it part of his history.
To our friends and family who have shared so many kind words and deeds: thank you dearly.  We are deeply appreciative to have so much love and good energy around us.

Please share your comments and support.  We will keep you updated.


  1. Go Miles Go!!!! We believe in you, now go kick cancer's butt!

  2. Hugs and Lots of Love and Strength to you Miles!! Kick that cancer's butt!! We Love You! ❤️ Your Cousins, Dan, Parker, Beckett, and Kimmie.

  3. I love you Miles, go get 'em!!! You can do this, stay strong like I know you will!!! Now go falcon punch cancer's face!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜❤️

  4. We are with you every step of the way and you too Jen and Matt and Louis! Love to you all and thank you for keeping us updated.

    Lisa Will Jack and Sophie

  5. You're a strong, stubborn kid and you've got this. Grab this bull by the horns and stomp him. Sending love and lots of positive, healthy vibes.
    Ariel, Carla & Rick

  6. Michael & Sophie & I are all thinking of you and sending you our best wishes for a slap-shot home-run touchdown goooaaaaaallll of a cancer kicking! (Those are all sports terms, right? I'm still learning. And Michael's totally gonna be mad at me for coming across like a sports dunce on your blog...) --Mark

  7. Knock that cancer out Miles!! We are in your corner for whatever you need.
    Love ya lots ❤️❤️
    ~The Mazza's ( & Elvis, of course)

  8. Our thoughts, positive energy, and prayers will keep coming your way in the months ahead. Miles, your competitive disposition and relentless positive attitude will ensure you cross the finish line a winner! Now go beat this thing…Rick, Danielle, Brody and Parker

  9. Miles you have been so strong and positive from day one! That will continue to be a big factor as you beat this cancer. They will take great care of you at Childrens. All the best, Dr Webb

  10. I love you all very much. Miles you are so strong and have so much support you knock this one out of the park. Savta

  11. We added a new action card to the deck for the next time we play LIFE...Kick Cancers butt. Collect all the money from the bank and win the game! Now, if we could just get Zach to stop cheating and me from spinning 1s, we would be all set. Miles, we love you and are with you every step of the way!

  12. Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way for your strong young mans recovery πŸ’™

  13. Prayers and positive energy coming your way.
    The Demarest

  14. Miles - sending you Rocky Mountain greetings. You are smart and strong and tough. You will kick this cancer in the butt, you can do it for sure. We are proud of you! Nike.

  15. Who are you cheering for in hockey? We are Red Wings fans!

  16. Miles, we have no doubt that you will have this cancer running scared and will have the staff at Childrens in stitches w your witty humor and practical jokes! Sending you lots of healing thoughts!!! Cavan, Cayden, Stephanie and Coach Steve

  17. Miles, thinking of you and sending love, support, smiles, bad jokes, jumping, running, laughing, rolling, and kisses. Hugging your whole healthy body and soul, and holding support through this first day and night! All our love, Harley and Miriam

  18. πŸ’™ I love you all very much.You can do this, & we are all here for whatever you needπŸ’™

  19. Hey Miles, love you sweet nephew. Healing, healthy, happy, positive energy and loving prayers coming to you each minute! Hoping the days after your first treatment weren't to difficult πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

  20. New Day....New & Continued Love Coming YOUR WAY =-)

  21. Sending you so much love it would reach all the way to Pluto...Hugs Safta

  22. I hope your day today is as easy as possible and you all get to enjoy some sunshine. Hugs Safta

  23. Hi Miles, If the Red Sox keep winning 2 of 3 games what will their record be at the end of the season......more importantly is there any way they could do that with the pitching staff they have? Love ya Safta

  24. beautiful Saturday where I am, hope its good where you are 😊 ❤ πŸ’‹
